It is not difficult to change a consumer's bank account number. This is even possible in two ways! The 1st option is always preferred. Then the consumer does it himself and so is there the least chance of errors :)
Option 1:
If your consumer wants to change his/her bank account number, it is best to let the consumer do so directly. This can easily be done via the consumer screen where the consumer can look up the details of the purchase or subscription again.ย
After the payment, an e-mail was sent to the customer containing a link to this screen. Before they can access this page, an authorization code must be filled in so that we can be sure that it is the right customer.ย
As soon as your customer has entered the authorisation code, your customer will see the consumer screen. After that, your customer has to go through the following steps:
Step 1: Click on change IBAN and/or BIC
Step 2: Enter the new bank account number
Step 3: Confirm the previous step
Option 2:
Do you want to change your consumer's bank account number by yourself? This can be done via your PayPro account. To do this, you have to go through the following steps:
Step 1: Go to the website of PayPro
Step 2: Log in to your account
Step 3: Search for your clients name in the search bar on the upper right
Step 4: Choose the right client by clicking on it
Step 5: Click on 'edit' at the customer details
Step 6: Change the IBAN and click on save
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