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I have placed my affiliate link on my website, but I have no income. How is that possible?
I have placed my affiliate link on my website, but I have no income. How is that possible?
Updated over 3 years ago

Having an affiliate link on your website is no guarantee for success. It is not even a guarantee for success if you have many visitors. It depends on what type of visitor you are referring 

That's why on your website, blog, Instagram, Facebook etc. you always have to ask yourself: what content do I use and what are my visitors interested in?

If the answers to these two questions are the same, you have a much higher chance of selling and your conversion rate can also be much higher than if you 'randomly' put an affiliate link somewhere. It is important to be actively involved in online marketing in order to increase the chances of income from affiliate marketing.

Whenever you still have any difficulties or questions feel free to start a chat (right blue button) or contact us at

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