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Zapier connection

Link your system with our PayPro system

Updated over 4 years ago

It can happen that we do not have the specific tool to connect your system or service with our PayPro system. Therefore, we have a cooperation with Zapier. Zapier is a system that makes it possible to connect over 2000 different programs to the PayPro system. Do you would like to know, if your system is supported by Zapier? Check it out here.

At Zapier, we currently only support the trigger: "New sales".

So, every time a new sale has been made, payment and customer data can be send to other business applications automatically. For this, you first have to create a (free) account at Zapier. Then you are able to make a connection with PayPro. Follow therefore theses steps:

1 . Link your system to PayPro on Zapier

2.  Then, decide what should happen as soon as you make a new sale on PayPro (here an example with Google sheets). After you have made a decision click on "Make a Zap"

As soon as click on "Continue" after choosing your PayPro account, a pop-up appears where you have to fill in a authorisation token/pin. This is because the automatic link to your account is not working (yet). Therefore, you can create this token/pin on the PayPro website in your PayPro account.

3 . Go on your PayPro Profile (name + PayPro ID) and click on the folder "Third parties"

4. Choose Zapier as an external service an click on "Create"

5. Your token/pin has now been created and is shown above under "Authorisation data"

6. Copy the token/pin and fill it in on the Zapier website.

Finally, you just have to follow the steps on Zapier, like customizing your sales, and later in your system to complete the connection making. Zapier is also going to ask for a test sale in PayPro. Unfortunately, it can only use sales that were done less than an hour ago. If you don't have one, you could also put your payment button on test and do a test sale by yourself on your PayPro account. This test sale can be then processed by Zapier.

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