For inspiration we have put together some color schemes that you can use on the Martini payment page. When using a 1-Click-Upsell the same colors will be used.
Name | Header | Checkout | Button | Background |
Original Lifestyle | #EAEDF0 | #1D2F46 | #20AC70 | #1D2F46 |
Ocean Blue | #66D0D8 | #1D2F46 | #A959B5 | #1D2F46 |
Fuchsia Pink | #E52165 | #0E1137 | #00C6AE | #0E1137 |
Pastel Blue | #AED6DC | #4A536B | #FF9A8D | #FFFFFF |
Peachy Orange | #DDC3A5 | #201E20 | #E0A96D | #FFFFFF |
Forest Green | #CBD18F | #233A21 | #F8CE3C | #FFFFFF |
Soft Raspberry | #EFB5A3 | #315F72 | #F57E7E | #FFFFFF |
Before Eight | #BEE7DF | #162B32 | #F8813E | #FFFFFF |
After Eight | #BEE7DF | #191414 | #F9D622 | #191414 |
Beehive Yellow | #FCC200 | #000000 | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
How to change the color codes?
The #...... are HEX color codes. These HEX color codes can be changed in the payment page menu under "personalisation". When you click on the color box, skip to HEX bij clicking on >> R G B > H S L >> and then you see the HEX code where you can fill it in.